White noise can be incredibly beneficial for babies in a variety of ways, including helping them sleep, soothing them when they are upset, and even improving their hearing and cognitive development.
Babies, especially newborns, have different sleep cycles than adults. They spend more time in eye rapid movement (REM) sleep, which is lighter and more easily disturbed. White noise can help mask other sounds in the environment that might wake a baby during this light sleep stage. This includes sounds like a door closing, a dog barking, or a sibling playing in the next room. By masking these potentially disruptive noises, white noise can help babies sleep more soundly and for longer periods of time.
How Does White Noise Help A Baby Sleep?
In addition to helping babies sleep, white noise can also be a powerful tool for soothing a fussy or upset baby. Many parents have experienced the magic of the “shush” sound in calming a crying baby. This is because the “shush” sound is a type of white noise. It is similar to the sounds that babies hear in the womb, which are comforting and familiar to them. Other types of white noise, like the sound of a running shower or a washing machine, can have the same soothing effect.
White noise can also be beneficial for a baby’s hearing development. In the womb, babies are exposed to a constant background of white noise from the mother’s body. This noise helps to shape the developing auditory system. After birth, exposure to white noise can continue to stimulate the auditory system and promote healthy hearing development.
Cognitive Benefits Of White Noise For Babies
Furthermore, some research suggests that white noise might have cognitive benefits for babies. A study published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience found that playing white noise can improve memory in children. While this study was conducted with older children, it is possible that white noise could have similar benefits for babies.
Despite these benefits, it is important to use white noise safely with babies. The volume of the white noise should not exceed 50 decibels, which is about the volume of a quiet conversation at home. It should also not be used continuously. Instead, it should be used strategically, such as during naps and bedtime, or when the baby is upset.
How To Put A Baby To Sleep With White Noise
Here’s a quick list of our recommendations for putting a baby to sleep with white noise:
1. Choose the Right White Noise
Not all white noise is created equal. Some babies might prefer the sound of a fan, while others might prefer the sound of rain or a heartbeat. Experiment with different sounds to see what your baby responds to best. There are many white noise machines available on the market, as well as free apps that you can download on your phone.
2. Set the Right Volume
The volume of the white noise is crucial. It should be loud enough to mask other sounds in the environment, but not so loud that it could harm potentially your baby’s hearing. A good rule of thumb is to set the volume no louder than a soft shower, which is about 50 decibels.
3. Position the White Noise Correctly
The white noise machine or speaker should be placed at a safe distance from the baby’s crib, not directly next to it. This helps ensure that the noise is not too loud for the baby, and any cords or other hazardous objects are out of reach.
4. Create a Bedtime Routine
Incorporate the white noise into your baby’s bedtime routine. Start the white noise when you are getting your baby ready for bed, and keep it on while you rock or feed your baby to sleep. This will help signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep.
5. Use Noise White During Sleep
Keep the white noise on while your baby is sleeping. This can help mask any disruptive noises that might wake your baby during their sleep.
6. Gradually Wean Off
As your baby gets older and their sleep patterns become more established, you can gradually wean them off the white noise. Start by lowering the volume over time, and then eventually stop using it altogether.
Remember, every baby is different, and what works for one baby might not work for another. It might take some trial and error to find the right white noise and routine that works for your baby. But with patience and consistency, white noise can be a valuable tool in helping your baby get a good night’s sleep.
White Noise Machines For Babies
When looking for a suitable whine noise machine for your infant, you should select one that is capable of producing pure white noise at an appropriate volume level for hours at a time. You also want it to be easy to use, safe, and portable.
White noise can be played via YouTube from a smartphone or through an app, however the phone must be left with the baby while it’s sleeping and battery life becomes an issue. A better option is a white noise machine that can be plugged in that doesn’t rely on battery power.
Many parents looking to introduce a white noise regimen to their baby’s sleep routine opt for a dedicated unit that can be installed near the crib or other rooms intended for sleep.
Digital White Noise Machines
These noise machines are typically plugged into a wall and offer continuous white noise with with little to no set up time. In addition to white noise, digital noise machines usually offer multiple other types of ambient sounds that may be better for your baby. Additionally, some units feature smartphone connectivity to allow remote control via an app.
One thing to take into consideration involving digital noise machines is that these devices use digital audio clips to recreate the white noise and other available sounds. These sound files are typically compressed and shortened into a loopable file that can be stored on the circuitry of the unit. This results in a sound that can come off as very artificial and low quality.
Additionally, the pattern at which the sound loops back over can become noticeable and start to be more of a nuisance than a soothing background sound as you begin to anticipate the next loop. Is this something a baby would be concerned with? Perhaps they’re unaware of it, however, if you decided to use the machine for your own use, you would be able to notice.
Finally, digital noise machines rely on a small, usually inexpensive speaker in order to reproduce the sounds. These speakers aren’t designed to reproduce the full frequency range found in white noise and what happens is that higher frequencies become predominant and mid to low range frequencies are lost. The resulting sound is harsh, static-y, and distorted.
Analog White Noise Machines
The best way to get natural, non looping white noise is from an analog white noise machine.
These types of devices work by a spinning fan built inside the unit which moves air through a specially designed plastic enclosure. This produces a true, natural sound without distortion. There is no looping, just pure randomly generated white noise.

Analog white noise machines are incredibly easy to use, simply plug it in and flip the on/off switch. This is a great convenience for parents when it comes time to put the baby to sleep, since there’s no fiddling around in the dark to find the right button to push. And depending on the model, an analog noise machine can have the ability to change the tone and volume usually by a simple twisting motion of the enclosure.
What’s The Best Noise Machine For A Baby?
There are pros and cons to both digital and analog noise machines. What is best for your baby may not be good for someone else.
Digital white noise machines are portable, full of features like additional sounds, remote control, and auto shut off. Some cons include low quality sound, being able to discern a noticeable “loop” in the sound, and difficulty to use in the dark. Some may also emit light via a LCD display or LED lights which could be disruptive to a baby’s sleep.
Analog white noise machines are best at producing real, non-looping, organic white noise. They are highly portable, the easiest to use (especially in the dark), and have no set up time. The drawbacks are that they only produce one sound, and there aren’t any smart features or phone connectivity apps.
It’s a good idea to take into account your expectations of what kinds of features you would like and use case of the unit you plan on purchasing. As always, read reviews and be aware of the return policy for whichever white noise machine you choose.
Be sure to browse all of our best noise machines for a baby right here on our site.
Best Deals On White Noise Machines
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works.

Yogasleep Dohm UNO White Noise Machine
Best easy to use analog white noise machine

LectroFan EVO Guaranteed Non-Looping Sleep Sound Machine
Digital non-looping white noise machine
Summing it all up
In conclusion, white noise can be a valuable tool for parents. It can help babies sleep, soothe them when they are upset, and potentially even support their hearing and cognitive development. However, like any tool, it should be used wisely and safely. With the right approach, white noise can be a beneficial addition to a baby’s environment.