Unlock the Power of your Mind
- Influence your SUBCONSCIOUS mind
- TUNED FREQUENCIES to improve sleep
Hey friend!
Today I want to invite you to something very special that I’ve been using in my daily life that I think has the potential to help you too.
Before I get to that however, I wanted to share a couple of statistics I found regarding sleep and mental health which, to say the least, look rather bleak:
- Nearly 30% of people (100+ million) in the US suffer from some form of sleeping disorder.
- ONLY 1 out of about 20 people will take action to remedy it.
Does it surprise you to learn that one third of our friends, family, and coworkers are having troubles with sleep on a regular basis?
What I find most discouraging is that VERY FEW are able to find a solution to their sleep issues.
Most people who struggle with sleep will never seek treatment, and unfortunately end up letting their disorder CONTROL their life. I don’t wish that on anybody–in fact, I’ve made it my mission over the past few months to give people the tools and help they need to regain control over an important part of their life.
I fell into that 30% suffering with my own sleep disorder. Fortunately, I was one of that small group of people who take action to overcome it.
For the longest time, I have struggled with sleep. More specifically, I struggled with how to FALL ASLEEP. At night, I would lay restless in my bed–tossing and turning for hours while my racing mind was unable to SHUT OFF. After staring long enough into the darkness of my bedroom, I would reach a point where I would essentially just PASS OUT due to pure mental exhaustion, often times to be woken up shortly thereafter by barking dogs or a car alarm.
Living in a society that favors the EARLY RISERS, I dreaded each morning as I would have to surrender my bed to face the day on whatever scraps of sleep I had managed to scavenge the night prior. I reluctantly accepted my reality as a NIGHT OWL living in an early bird’s world.
My sleepless nights were beginning to affect my job. Not getting healthy sleep would make me tend to oversleep, causing me to show up late to the office, I would be so tired throughout the day that I couldn’t focus on work, and would be so drowsy I’d fall asleep at my desk. My boss found me once sleeping, and suddenly my job was on the line. I began telling myself, “YOU NEED to figure out how to start getting to SLEEP“.
It was of DIRE IMPORTANCE that I get this situation UNDER CONTROL…
I changed out my bedding, I limited screen time before bed, among other things, but nothing was working to get me through the night. I even tried melatonin supplements, but those had the tendency to give me nightmares, and usually left me feeling groggy in the morning.
I felt COMPLETELY HELPLESS, like I was lost at sea floating atop my bed, and I was running out of options…
One night however, just by chance, I stumbled across an internet forum of people with similar sleep disorders discussing their remedies. On it, a user offered insight on the topic of SOUND THERAPY and praised its effectiveness in helping them FALL ASLEEP FAST and REMAIN ASLEEP throughout the night. I had heard about people using sounds during sleep before, but I never fully understood how extra noise can help you sleep. It seemed counterintuitive to me, but I kept reading.
The user continued, explaining how using certain ambient sounds CONSISTENTLY as part of a bedtime routine can help signal to the brain that it’s time to SETTLE DOWN for sleep. By ASSOCIATING these sounds with sleep, it can become a cue for the body and mind to UNWIND, reducing anxiety and promoting DEEP SLEEP. It also kept them asleep all night by its ability to FILTER OUT UNWANTED NOISE.
I was beginning to understand what I had been missing about using sound for sleep. The KEY POINT this person was making, wasn’t that a certain sound can make you fall asleep, but rather you are CONDITIONING YOUR BRAIN to fall asleep. By playing ambient sounds EACH NIGHT before and during sleep, you are able to TRAIN YOUR MIND to fall asleep WITHIN MINUTES.
I began using sound therapy each night in my sleep routine, listening BEFORE and DURING sleep, and within a week, I was consistently falling asleep WITHIN 15 MINUTES of laying down. Moreover, I was sleeping all throughout the night WITHOUT INTERRUPTION, and waking up feeling FULLY RESTORED.
Finally, I had found MY SECRET WEAPON to combat my sleep disorder that I had been missing all along…
I was finally getting the type of REJUVENATING SLEEP that my body desperately needed. As I continued utilizing my newfound life-hack, I started noticing my life improving in other areas as well.
Since I started incorporating sound therapy in my everyday life, I was in a BETTER MOOD, I felt HAPPIER, and overall felt LESS ANXIETY. Because of my improved health, my RELATIONSHIPS IMPROVED with people, and I was NO LONGER IN FEAR of losing my job over my lack of sleep.
What’s great about it all is that I feel like this EVERY DAY now.
This is where you come in. See, I used to feel EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW.
- I used to LAY RESTLESS IN BED FOR HOURS, wondering why I couldn’t just FALL ASLEEP
- I used to HAVE MY SLEEP INTERRUPTED, making it more difficult to get healthy sleep
- I used to allow my sleep disorder to CONTROL MY LIFE
- I used to BLAME MYSELF and chalk it up to just being a “NIGHT OWL“
I know how hard it is not being able to fall asleep each night. But now that I have this SECRET INGREDIENT to real, deep sleep, it’s KEEPING ME UP AT NIGHT knowing that there are others who are how I was– in need of a HELPING HAND. I have made it my goal to see to it that YOU CAN OVERCOME your sleep issues just like I did, using the same life changing material that I use EACH AND EVERY NIGHT to this day.
I want to help you:
- Get a FULL NIGHT OF SLEEP without interruption
- Wake up feeling COMPLETELY REFRESHED, ready to take on the day
- REDUCE STRESS AND ANXIETY in your daily life
In my MISSION TO HELP OTHERS, I’ve put together a massive list of the most RELAXING, SLEEP-INDUCING ambient music, bedtime sounds, white noise, and ASMR that I believe will CHANGE YOUR LIFE for the better. I feel so strongly about this because it has changed MY life.

I’ve named this collection Ambient Soundscapes, and I want you to try it out for free to see if it helps you get the sleep you need.
- When you join Ambient Soundscapes, you get access to hundreds of hours of ambience that I have personally curated for sleep, meditation, relaxation, and improving focus.
- New tracks are added on a daily basis and as a member, you get instant access to them all. Subscribers enjoy fresh, amazing content from Ambient Soundscapes every time they log in.
- In addition, Premium members get a 75% DISCOUNT on all Ambient Soundscapes items in our shop.
- You also get EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to a huge library of self help articles designed to help you get better sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your mental health.
Content Previews
Here are a few samples of the extensive library of relaxing sleep ambience and meditation audio that you get access to when you join. Enjoy HD sound quality, full length media for relaxing, reducing stress and anxiety, focusing at work, and getting restful sleep.
10 Hour Sleep Ambience
Guided Meditation
Nature & Atmospheric Ambience
Relaxing Fire Ambience
You can start using it right away after you join Ambient Soundscapes.
Update March 21, 2025:
For being my honored guest today, I’m letting you try Ambient Soundscapes for FREE!
The best way to listen to Ambient Soundscapes is with headphones or to do what I do, which is connect it to a Bluetooth speaker in my bedroom. This will provide you with the best possible sound quality, and will eliminate distracting noises keeping you awake.
🔥Don’t forget I’m not sure how long I can accept new members for FREE, so join now while you can!
Your satisfaction is guaranteed, and I PROMISE it will be the BEST DECISION you will ever make!
I wish you the BEST SLEEP possible, now and in the future. To a HAPPY, HEALTHY, LIFE… CHEERS!
Your Friend,
Ambient Soundscapes

Premium Ambient Music
- No Ads, EVER!
- Get premium access today
- Get deeper, healthier sleep.
- Listen anywhere on any device!
- Black screen, plays in background
- Thousands of hours of content
- New Content Added Daily
- Exclusive Access to quality self-help articles

THANK YOU! I was getting desperate for something to help me with my insomnia!
I have been using Ambient Soundscapes to fall asleep for a few weeks now and all I have to say is thank you soooo much! Your app is easy to use and I love all the different options! You have a loyal subscriber!
I can’t tell you enough how much this has helped me. Every night now I have been using your sounds to help me fall asleep and I have been able to stay asleep! The fact this has no ads beats out trying to find something on youtube. Thanks for helping me sleep!
I didn’t think it would work but I tried it out for a few days. By around the 5th or so day I noticed I ready to fall asleep the moment I turned it on. Incredible. You made me a believer!
I used to listen to similar audio I found on Spotify and Youtube but they just cram a bunch of ads in between the ambience. How is that even relaxing??? I am so glad I stumbled upon your ad free program! I can’t sleep without it now! Thank you so much! – H.C.
wow wow wow! You changed my life… I used to get woken up every night by my neighbor’s barking dogs. I love how your sounds fill my room and completely drown out those noisy hounds now! I love listening throughout the day it really helps me focus and calm my mind! Thanks ambient soundscapes! 🙂